Shoreham Fort

We’ve updated our privacy policy


We've updated our privacy policy


As you may have heard, new data protection regulations, called GDPR, are about to be introduced. These are designed to give you more control over your data and how it is used.

At Shoreham Fort, we appreciate that when you share your information with us, you trust us to look after it.

That's why we've made a few changes to our privacy policy to protect your rights and interests. The revised policy and terms are available here. These will apply from Friday 25th May.

What's changed?

  • A section on data security, explaining who has access to your data, has been added.
  • Your rights for accessing/updating or erasing of your data have been made more clear.

What should I do now?

You don't need to do anything. If you need more information, or have any questions, then please contact us.

Thank you

The Friends of Shoreham Fort.


Upcoming events


Want to help?

We're always in need of equipment, tools, and items at the fort... If you're able to help, or have contact with someone who can, then please let us know


There's always plenty of jobs to be done at the Fort, from the heavy duty digging & archaeology, to lighter duties such as weeding, painting, or even just making a cup of tea. Come along and join us at one of our Find out more days, or contact us to find out more.


Do you recognise one of these names? Perhaps a family member or friends family?

  • S.Gates
  • F.Scrase
  • H.Sears

Let us know - They might be connected to the 1st Sussex Artillery Volunteers who were based at Shoreham. Any information is greatly appreciated.


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